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Thursday, 27 October 2016

You need to finish what you start

The Fair Work Commission is committed to “a fair go all round”. This does not mean, however, that it is there purely for the convenience of one party to an application.
This much is demonstrated in Newbey v Atlas Group Pty Ltd [2016] FWC 5246.
On 22 April 2016 Mr Newbey applied for an unfair dismissal remedy arising from the termination of his employment at Atlas.
When Atlas lodged its response saying that the termination was a genuine redundancy the commission listed the application for conferences and directions, neither of which Mr Newby attended or complied with over a two month period.
As a date for participation or compliance approached, Mr Newbey, who had obtained another job in the meantime, routinely emailed the commission that he was unavailable requesting another time.
Matters came to a head when he had not lodged documents by 27 September 2016 in compliance with directions earlier given. When the commission could not reach Mr Newbey and there was no explanation from him, it dismissed his application under section 399A of the Fair Work Act.
The lesson for dismissed workers is that they must be prepared to see their applications through.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Fixed means just that

A security guard employed at the Manus Island Detention Centre has been found not to have been unfairly dismissed when extensions to a fixed term contract of employment ended.

The decision is reported at Cowan v Wilson Parking Australia trading as Wilson Security [2016] FWC 5768.

Mr Cowan was employed as a security guard at Manus between March 2014 and April 2016.

His original contract of employment had an end date of 30 September 2014.

When the contract was about to end he was offered a further contract, which took him to October 2015 and then two further extensions that took him to the end of April 2016.

Each time his employment was extended, Wilson specified that there was an end date and as a consequence Mr Cowan would not be entitled to be paid a redundancy if his employment was not extended.

In the end Wilson did not extend Mr Cowan’s employment because a police certificate that Mr Cowan had supplied when he first started with Wilson showed that he had a conviction for driving offences and Wilson concluded that Mr Cowan would not be able to obtain a security licence.

Along with Mr Cowan, Wilson also let five other employees go, whose fixed term contracts with extensions had also expired.

Although Commissioner Wilson acknowledged that a fixed term contract could be a sham he was satisfied that that was not the case with Mr Cowan.

Wilson did not want to commit to permanent employment because at the time it was negotiating with Transfield, which held the head security contract with the Australian Border Force to continue to supply guards to Manus Island.

Against this backdrop and letters from Wilson to Mr Cowan each time he had an extension that his employment would end unless further extended, Commissioner Wilson had no difficulty in deciding that Mr Cowan’s employment ended because of the effluxion of time and not at the initiative of the employer, Wilson.